EXTREMELY LIMITED: This special founding member price of AMZ Evaluator will promptly increase after 100 subscribers…
YES! I’m ready to STOP spending so much time writing and publishing my books just to make only a few sales. I’m excited to sell more books by getting them in front of the right people. Give me access to the simple to use AMZ Evaluator so I can begin selling more books and making more income passively, without all of the hours of research. I’m ready to create my products FASTER and to stop getting stuck not knowing what to do.
Here’s what you’re getting: A streamlined way to find YOUR perfect keywords at the click of a button.
Within moments of signing up, you’ll be able to…
➡️ Stop spending money on ads: If you don’t like the idea of spending hundreds or thousands of dollars advertising on Amazon, Google, and Facebook… DON’T… because now you won’t need to. You’ll be armed with everything you need to attract the right people to your listing, organically and sustainably.
If paid advertising is your thing, that’s cool! …you just won’t be tied to it!
➡️ Don’t know what else to try?: If you’ve tried advertising, or crafted interesting and catchy titles yourself, posted on Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok, told all of your friends and family about your book, or even bought your own book to increase its ranking… this is for you.
In many cases, if sellers don’t make sales, they either pay for ads or give up. Neither are good options! Find the most profitable keywords that are perfect for your book or product. You’ll love how fast and easy it is now with the right tool doing all of the heavy lifting for you. This is the secret weapon behind hundreds of Amazon sellers and authors.
➡️ Preloaded with a criteria proven to make sales: We use Jenni Hunt’s proven method to determine if a keyword for KDP is worth pursuing or not called the 3R method. It analyzes Results, Rank, and Reviews to immediately tell you if a keyword will be successful.
Validate your content and products BEFORE you create them using the 3R method. This way you can create books that you know will get in front of the right people BEFORE you write them.
This method took years to create and is INCLUDED with the extension.
This is the brain for Amazon sellers.
➡️ All of the info you need at a glance: Simply by opening AMZ Evaluator Chrome Extension while browsing Amazon you can immediately dive into critical sales data like estimated sales, revenue, BSR, # of search results, and price. Many of the keywords out there are too competitive and don’t convert into sales. Skip the guessing and discover which keywords are perfect for your book or product.
➡️ Sell more books and products on Amazon: Uncover high ranking keywords that don’t just attract the tire kickers but actual buyers. Some keywords are used by people who are ”just looking” but now we can find the keywords that the actual buyers are using.
Get started for $9.99.
Then $9.99/mo cancel any time.
30-Day money back guarantee.
BONUS: If you sign up for the Evaluator Tool, you also get our 5 strategies for getting your book in front of the right people. Any one of these strategies can work, but we’re giving you 5. There’s no sense in spending time to write a great book if no one will see it.
Sign up today and get this FREE!
Here’s a note from someone who purchased the Evaluator Tool and minutes later…

Here is a quick demo of the tool in action!